
Monday, 1 July 2013

How to avoid losing a client

Today with the endless amount of options available to your clients/customers, it is all too easy to lose them to competition. It just takes one wrong move to see the business you have worked so hard to bag, walking out of the door!
As a small business owner, one of the big advantages is the fact that you will hopefully be interacting with your clients much more closely than bigger businesses. However, you need to understand a few factors that can trigger dissatisfaction on the client’s end and could even terminate the relationship.
Make sure that you and your team diligently identify, avoid or circumvent these factors in a timely manner. Here are some ways to ensure that your client services are good enough to retain clients.
Set expectations Right from the start, set clear expectations. Ask relevant
questions and get a clear brief from your client. Assess your own competence and figure out if you can meet the client’s expectations. Communicate to the client if you are not able to take on projects and tasks. This always pays off in the long run, even if it hurts to lose the business now. Always ensure that you can meet your client’s expectations, spell-out all the details to not leave any room for assumptions or confusion. Make sure that any agreements and approvals are in writing and not just verbal.
Keep this golden mantra in mind and win your client’s praise – "under promise and over deliver."
Meet in person While technology has helped ease processes and make tasks more convenient, a phone call, email or a video conference can never replace a face-to-face meeting with a client. Meeting in person gives both parties involved a lot more clarity and also provides you with the opportunity to read your client’s body language and react accordingly. In-person meetings also strengthen relationships by adding more validity to your business, rather than email and phone communication. Making the effort to meet always pays off.
Stick to deadline One of the best ways to keep up a good image and to keep your client connected, engaged and happy, is to meet the deadlines that were agreed upon. Delays and extension of deadlines can cause the client to become irritable and doubt your capacity to finish a task. It may also make the client feel that you are neglecting their work and they are not a priority for you.
Set realistic deadlines during the start of any project. Keep the communication lines open and update the client about your progress on a regular basis.
Speedy troubleshooting In the case of any issues or dissatisfaction that the client expresses, be quick on your toes and address them as soon as possible. Your clients will feel more valued this way and would be satisfied with your services. Do not wait for issues to become crises before you deal with them!
Make them winners One of the best ways to win over a client’s goodwill is by making them look like winners in their circle, through your work. Be it a big or small project, give it your best shot and deliver quality work that can make your client standout for all the right reasons. If you know that your client is going through some sort of a crises, offer help and support. Standby your client during their tough times and they are more likely to cherish your professional association.
Get feedback Be open to both good and critical feedback from your existing and former clients. This will help you improve client-servicing capacity and be better equipped to handle similar situations. One of the best ways to keep track of feedback is to document them as in when they come in.
The real key here is that the best way to keep your customers and clients happy, is to be proactive in all that you do. Most relationships break down due to a lack of attention, that could have easily been maintained if more time and energy were put into meeting and ideally exceeding expectations.

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